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Our story begins with the concept of giving. Nothing compares to the joy of picking out the perfect gift and wrapping it up for that special someone. 


My husband and I learned so much about the concept of gift-giving by reading The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman (We highly recommend this book). It turns out the act of gift-giving is its own language of love shared between the giver and the receiver. In these small gestures of thoughtfulness, a giver can communicate their care and affection and the recipient is reminded, through this tangible expression of generosity, that they are loved. The impact isn’t measured by the size of the gift or the amount spent but rather the simplicity in knowing that someone was thinking of you. This, we learned, is the beauty of gift-giving: experiencing love and kindness through the little things we receive.


The concept of The Bag Lady was born from just that. We give you the tools to deliver “wow” experiences to the loved ones in your life by offering playfully unique, beautifully designed, high-quality gifting supplies all while minimizing the impact on the world we love by using (certifiably) sustainable, eco-friendly materials. The only thing better than making someone smile is to do it environmentally guilt free! Now all you need to do is plan the surprise inside!


Our small, family-owned brand is just getting started and we’re so excited that you’re here to join us in our journey. Thank you for your support!

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Our Story: About Us

Gift Better With FSC® Certified Paper Gift Bags

By buying The Bag Lady gift bags, you help take care of the world's forests. The FSC® takes care of the forests, the people and the wildlife that call them home.

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